7 things that I feel daily because of anxiety

  1. Worried. My mind is a constant whirl of “what-ifs.” I oftentimes get annoyed at myself because I worry about the smallest things; things that are so insignificant, if I told anybody, they’d laugh at me. I feel a pain in my chest and diagnose myself with cancer. I get a migraine and think I have a tumor. Yes, this is my reality. 
  2. Sad. Most of the time I get extremely upset when I’m super anxious, so that leads to sadness. Then, my mind kicks into overdrive and it, again, makes me upset. Finally, I get sad because I feel like I can’t fix it. Yes, also my reality. 
  3. Like a burden. If I need somebody or I reach out to somebody, I feel like I’m a complete emotional burden to them. I feel like my problems are so minuscule when compared to others; yet, they bother me so much. Again, my reality. P. S. If you ever need somebody who understands, come to me. You will be far from a bother to me. Promise. 
  4. Emotional. I am one of the most emotional people ever. If I’m happy, I’m SO happy. If I’m sad, I’m SO sad. If I’m scared, I’m SO scared. You get the point. I have extreme emotions and I’m not proud of it. So, when you hear me sobbing during that happy scene in a happy movie, just overlook me…please. SO much my reality. 
  5. Silly. I feel like recently anxiety has become such a trend that when you say, “Hey, my anxiety is literally killing me today. Like, I can’t get out of my house without having a panic attack,” people roll their eyes or dismiss it. This is an extremely aggravating reality. 
  6. Helpless. The majority of the time when I’m anxious, nothing will help me. Nothing. Which, in turn, creates more anxiety. I’m having anxiety just writing this post because I know I’m going to freak people out and everybody is going to worry about me. Please don’t. I am pretty helpless when I’m having an attack. Helpless reality. 
  7. Tired. Most days, I am so emotionally drained by the end of the day, I could cry for 3 hours and then sleep for 3 days. My brain works so much throughout the day, it amazes me how I can still function sometimes. This reality is…tiring. 

Anxiety is tough. The daily struggles are real. If you need help, you know where to find me. Stay strong and don’t let your inner worries manifest into something bigger. You’ve got this. 

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